
Get started with Markdoc

How to get started with Markdoc

Get started with Markdoc

Markdoc is a static site generator that uses Markdown files as input and outputs HTML files.

Markdoc features several core concepts which include:

  • Nodes: These are the elements that Markdoc inherits from Markdown
  • Tags: Tags are the main syntactic extension that Markdoc adds on top of Markdown. Similar to HTML, each tag is enclosed with {% and %} and includes the tag name, attributes, and the content body.
  • Annotations: These can be added to nodes to customize how they are rendered


To install markdoc in Next.js, run the following command:

npm install @markdoc/next.js @markdoc/markdoc


Markdoc was built by Stripe to power their developer documentation.

Hey there!

Here's some info for you!

Hey there!

Here's a warning for you!

Hey there!

Here's an error for you!

Is there such an element as a "blockquote"?

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